The Narcissist in Your Website
How to avoid it being all about you
It’s the job everyone hates, writing the About You page for your website. How to not sound like a narcissist and instead come across as a superhero that can get your customers out of a jam.
I’ve researched a lot of About You pages and more often than not they remind me of the classic nightmare first date.
You know the one, your date drones on about themselves for an hour, doesn’t have a conversation with you, doesn’t ask you about yourself, can’t relate to you and then after this painful mind-numbing experience expects you to pick up the bill! Seriously?! (and, believe it or not, they think the date went brilliantly).
The Date Test
Quick, go take a look at your about me page right now and give it the date test:
Do you talk about yourself all the time?
Do you list all your achievements, qualifications, workplaces? Basically, everything you’ve ever done, just short of your primary school achievement awards?
Do you give out any hint of who you really are?
Is any of the information illuminating for your potential customer to see what you’re like to work with?
Any passionate reason why you do what you do? (and no, paying the mortgage is not relevant here).
Any highlights, low points?
OK, I think you get the idea, and if you can pass the date test, congratulations, you are one of the few who are onto it.
If not, then read on my friend and let’s nut this out for you.
Who are you and WHY?
Firstly, this is not your resumé, you don’t have to list all your qualifications and work experience. If people want to check out that information, they can stalk your Linked In profile. Certainly, you can mention some things as long as they are relevant. For example: you lecture part time at Monash University because you’re passionate about teaching best practice and helping students relate their course to the real world.
Who are you? Give a little something, are you a runner, do you dive, write poetry? Get personal. People buy from people, even if it’s through the web. Let your About You page sparkle with your personality, because in a highly competitive market, that could make all the difference. If people like you and your product or service you’re winning. You become your USP. BTW once they’re in if they like working with you then they’re not going to leave. So be you.
Now we can see you, tell us why you do what you do. Surely, we’ve all watched Simon Sinek, ‘Find Your WHY’ and if you haven’t, then get onto it. Telling a story that’s engaging that says why you are in your business space is what people really what to know, because if you get it right, they will see themselves as someone you can help out too. Job done.
Make a start
I could go on, but that’s a good start. Once you’ve done these things you should have a more substantial About You page, and if you need help, get in touch. I love making people look good: The main thing to do is start now, nothing changes without action.